أهم الوظائف

السبت، 23 أبريل 2011

وظائف جامعه الطائف

أكمل المقال
 معيد ومحاضر بالعنصر النسوي في عدد من كليات الجامعة من الدراسات في برنامج خادم الحرمين الشريفين للابتعاث الخارجي أو الحاصلات على المؤهل في تخصصات الصيدلة، والعلاج الطبيعي، والاشعة، والتمريض، وعلم النفس التربوي، وطرق تدريس الرياضيات، ولغويات تطبيقية، وتمويل واستثمار. 
أن تكون المتقدمة سعودية الجنسية
 وحاصلة على المؤهل العلمي في التخصص بتقدير لا يقل عن (جيد جدا) من جامعة سعودية أو جامعة معترف بها
 وتكون ظروف المتقدمة تسمح لها بإكمال الدراسة.
طريقه التقديم
 استقبال الطلبات بعمادة الدراسات الجامعية بحي قروى اعتبارا من يوم غد الأحد الى يوم الاربعاء 23 جمادى الاولى الجاري
المستندات المطلوبه
 إحضار صورة من بطاقة الأحوال المدنية أو كرت العائلة مع الأصل للمطابقة، وصورة مصدقة من المؤهل العلمي ومن معادلة المؤهل إذا كان من جامعة خارجية والسجل الأكاديمي وشهادة حسن السيرة والسلوك كما سيتعين على المتقدمة تعبئة نموذج التوظيف عند التقديم بمقر عمادة الدراسات الجامعية.

هناك 5 تعليقات:

غير معرف يقول...

 Name: Mustafa Mahmoud Abdel Hady
Personal Data
• Date of birth: 30/7/1965.
• Place of birth: Qena- El Sheikh Eissa.
• Marital Status: Married.
• Nationality: Egyptian.
• Religion: Moslem.
• Military Services: Exempted.
• Mobile number: 0169973584.
• Address: Qena - El Sheikh Eissa Post Office.
1-faculty of arts – English department. 2001. grade (Fair)
2-American university certificate. 2000.
3-Faculty of Arts history department 1990.
Previous Experiences:
1-I work as the trainer for I.W.C.F pamphlet (that includes: well control, equipments, kill sheet).
2-I have taught the phonetics and linguistic of English language.
3-I have got a Certificate from Academy of Scientific research and Technology relating English language development 2007.
4- I have got a training courses relating to I .C.D.L (computer)
and soon I will enter the exam.

 Required Job:- Teacher of English (phonetics)
 My postal address: Egypt-Qena-El Sheikh Eissa.
 I hope you accept my C. V in your great company.
 Thanks a lot.

غير معرف يقول...

 Name: Mustafa Mahmoud Abdel Hady
Personal Data
• Date of birth: 30/7/1965.
• Place of birth: Qena- El Sheikh Eissa.
• Marital Status: Married.
• Nationality: Egyptian.
• Religion: Moslem.
• Military Services: Exempted.
• Mobile number: 0169973584.
• Address: Qena - El Sheikh Eissa Post Office.
1-faculty of arts – English department. 2001. grade (Fair)
2-American university certificate. 2000.
3-Faculty of Arts history department 1990.
Previous Experiences:
1-I work as the trainer for I.W.C.F pamphlet (that includes: well control, equipments, kill sheet).
2-I have taught the phonetics and linguistic of English language.
3-I have got a Certificate from Academy of Scientific research and Technology relating English language development 2007.
4- I have got a training courses relating to I .C.D.L (computer)
and soon I will enter the exam.

 Required Job:- Teacher of English (phonetics)
 My postal address: Egypt-Qena-El Sheikh Eissa.
 I hope you accept my C. V in your great company.
 Thanks a lot.

غير معرف يقول...

 Name: Mustafa Mahmoud Abdel Hady
Personal Data
• Date of birth: 30/7/1965.
• Place of birth: Qena- El Sheikh Eissa.
• Marital Status: Married.
• Nationality: Egyptian.
• Religion: Moslem.
• Military Services: Exempted.
• Mobile number: 0169973584.
• Address: Qena - El Sheikh Eissa Post Office.
1-faculty of arts – English department. 2001. grade (Fair)
2-American university certificate. 2000.
3-Faculty of Arts history department 1990.
Previous Experiences:
1-I work as the trainer for I.W.C.F pamphlet (that includes: well control, equipments, kill sheet).
2-I have taught the phonetics and linguistic of English language.
3-I have got a Certificate from Academy of Scientific research and Technology relating English language development 2007.
4- I have got a training courses relating to I .C.D.L (computer)
and soon I will enter the exam.

 Required Job:- Teacher of English (phonetics)
 My postal address: Egypt-Qena-El Sheikh Eissa.
 I hope you accept my C. V in your great company.
 Thanks a lot.

غير معرف يقول...

 Name: Mustafa Mahmoud Abdel Hady
Personal Data
• Date of birth: 30/7/1965.
• Place of birth: Qena- El Sheikh Eissa.
• Marital Status: Married.
• Nationality: Egyptian.
• Religion: Moslem.
• Military Services: Exempted.
• Mobile number: 0169973584.
• Address: Qena - El Sheikh Eissa Post Office.
1-faculty of arts – English department. 2001. grade (Fair)
2-American university certificate. 2000.
3-Faculty of Arts history department 1990.
Previous Experiences:
1-I work as the trainer for I.W.C.F pamphlet (that includes: well control, equipments, kill sheet).
2-I have taught the phonetics and linguistic of English language.
3-I have got a Certificate from Academy of Scientific research and Technology relating English language development 2007.
4- I have got a training courses relating to I .C.D.L (computer)
and soon I will enter the exam.

 Required Job:- Teacher of English (phonetics)
 My postal address: Egypt-Qena-El Sheikh Eissa.
 I hope you accept my C. V in your great company.
 Thanks a lot.

غير معرف يقول...

 Name: Mustafa Mahmoud Abdel Hady
Personal Data
• Date of birth: 30/7/1965.
• Place of birth: Qena- El Sheikh Eissa.
• Marital Status: Married.
• Nationality: Egyptian.
• Religion: Moslem.
• Military Services: Exempted.
• Mobile number: 0169973584.
• Address: Qena - El Sheikh Eissa Post Office.
1-faculty of arts – English department. 2001. grade (Fair)
2-American university certificate. 2000.
3-Faculty of Arts history department 1990.
Previous Experiences:
1-I work as the trainer for I.W.C.F pamphlet (that includes: well control, equipments, kill sheet).
2-I have taught the phonetics and linguistic of English language.
3-I have got a Certificate from Academy of Scientific research and Technology relating English language development 2007.
4- I have got a training courses relating to I .C.D.L (computer)
and soon I will enter the exam.

 Required Job:- Teacher of English (phonetics)
 My postal address: Egypt-Qena-El Sheikh Eissa.
 I hope you accept my C. V in your great company.
 Thanks a lot.